Kindly fill in the details below or download the group registration spreadsheet and send it by email to Group Name: First Name & Last Name as Group/Registration Leader: Contact E-mail: Contact Telephone: Cost centre: Legal Invoicing Entity: Contact Person: Invoicing Address: VAT Number (If Applicable): PO Number (If Applicable): repeater_title1 A. PARTICIPANT DETAILS Title Mr.Ms. First Name: Family Name: Middle Name: Mobile Phone Number: Email: B. ACCOMMODATION DETAILS Check in date: Check out date: Remarks: C. FLIGHT DETAILS Date of Arrival: City of Arrival: Date of Departure: City of Destination: Travel document type ( ID or Passport): Travel document number: Date of birth: frequent flyer number & airline: Remarks: I hereby consent to the processing of the personal data that I have provided according to the GDPR data protection regulations. Yes